Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh, Today

Nothing like being the sole caretaker of an under-2-year-old to get one focused on the moment.

Today we watched Sesame Street at from 7am till 8. Tidy-ed up and played till 10. Went over to the neighbors (Amelia was not into playing in the sprinklers with the other kids). At 11 we went to the park till noon. I drove a few extra minutes and she fell asleep. I wrote a little during my lunch hour (pizza crusts, faux-chicken sandwich, and a piece of cake). Talked to my brother; we're going to visit him tomorrow. Amelia ate lunch (pizza pieces-no crusts). Played with Ian and Quinny (Quinny started walking last night!). Dropped tickets off at D and A's house. Watched a little 'Babe' and 'Elmocize' from the library; ate dinner. Amelia took a bath then read for like an hour and I just dropped her into sleepy land where she is now.

She, of course, peed on the couch after this photo was taken.

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