Thursday, February 07, 2008

"The Move to Badgershire" - Intro

We've got a map of Badgershire on the wall. With a to-do list. And job opportunities for Rabbi in a clip board. The plan is for Mrs. Kubota to stay home with Baby Kubota and I, Rabbi, to go to work.

On the to-do list:

Sell car - posted an ad on Wednesday. Actually having trouble unloading thirteen year old Toyota. I blame George Bush and the weak economy.

Buy tickets for April - This is a trip to look for apartments in Badgershire. This is done. We're going for a long weekend (thursday to monday) the first weekend in April.

Set up job interviews for April trip - Hmm... Better get cracking on this...

Find apartments to look at - Mrs. Kubota's aunt has offered us a free apartment, but we will still look for a place that we really like since our pet cats pay more rent than most residents of Badgershire.

Find POD, or moving van - I'm voting for getting the moving van, sending Mrs. Rabbi and Baby Rabbi ahead on a plane and driving out myself with whoever I can get.

Next time... What job opportunities are posted in the clip board? Who will drive with Rabbi? And how will Rabbi and Baby Kubota fare while mom is in Italy?

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