Saturday, March 18, 2006


I have only sarcasm left in my quiver when talking about the screwed up political situation in the United States right now.

"Thank God major combat operations are over with."

"I'm glad we have Republicans in office. They may be greedy, but at least they know how to balance the nation's checkbook."

"How can you not trust the administration? These aren't the kind of men (and women) who act against the interest of the American people."

"I just thank my lucky stars every day that we have a government that respects the Constitution as much as this one does."

In other news, I am starting a new script. It's kind of like building a jet or an aircraft carrier. It takes a long time. Except that after I build it I have to take it apart and put it together again. So it's like building a jet or an aircraft carrier out of Lego Brand building blocks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the new script about? Does it involve a bank heist and Jodie Foster as an ill-defined "fixer"? Or is it about the perils of eating chili immediately after consuming onion rings?